Socially Rewiring Teens
Penna Dexter The recent release of the Centers for Disease Control’s bi-annual Youth Risk Behavior Survey has sparked discussion about the role social media plays in the substantial rise of…
Penna Dexter The recent release of the Centers for Disease Control’s bi-annual Youth Risk Behavior Survey has sparked discussion about the role social media plays in the substantial rise of…
Penna Dexter There are about 100 pediatric gender clinics in the U.S. doing irreversible surgeries on youngsters that more than a few come to regret. One such person is Chloe…
Penna Dexter We’re officially in Lent, the period of 40 days, which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar. It’s a time of preparation for Easter, and, in many Christian traditions, a…
Penna Dexter There’s been much written lately about Jamie Reed’s piece for the online publication, The Free Press. Ms. Reed, who describes herself as “a queer woman, politically to the…
Penna Dexter Lamenting the rise of censorship and speech controls, prominent First Amendment attorney and law school professor Jonathan Turley writes: “That alarming trend is no more evident than lawyers…
Penna Dexter Move over Soccer Moms. There’s a rising voting bloc in American politics: the Single Woke Female. She’s young — these are Gen Z and Millennial voters — she’s…
Penna Dexter Last month the White House and the Consumer Product and Safety Commission denied that they’ve been working with climate groups to ban gas stoves after the GOP called…
Penna Dexter About a year ago, the Biden Administration announced a policy change, stating it will allow pharmacies to fill prescriptions for abortion pills. Last week the FDA began implementation…
Penna Dexter If the expected red wave had taken place in November, the US House of Representatives would have remained the dysfunctional body it has been for 20 years. But,…
Penna Dexter The sad stories of female athletes being forced to compete against biological males and losing positions, titles, and opportunities are getting more numerous. Reporter Laurel Duggan writes: “There…