Supporting School Choice
Penna Dexter School choice is a 2024 election issue and we need to hear more about it from candidates seeking public office. Gaining educational freedom is an important goal for…
Penna Dexter School choice is a 2024 election issue and we need to hear more about it from candidates seeking public office. Gaining educational freedom is an important goal for…
Penna Dexter Last year, to coincide with Labor Day, Senator Marco Rubio’s office issued a report entitled, “The State of the Working (and Non-Working) Man.” Labor Day 2024 comes amidst…
Penna Dexter It would be nice if we could count on the medical community to emphasize excellence and evidence over woke ideology. When we learn of transgender interventions, including life-altering…
Penna Dexter The prominent role played by drag queens in the opening ceremonies for the Paris Olympics, was created to display France’s inclusivity and showcase the French LGBTQ+ community. James…
Penna Dexter Normal Americans are repulsed by the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. This was a bridge too far even for people who buy in to careless “threat…
Penna Dexter Nine years ago, the United States Supreme Court issued the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision that brought same sex marriage to every state. This — despite the fact…
Penna Dexter Every four years each political party sends seasoned activists to the table to write a platform for convention delegates to pass. Words are carefully chosen; positions painstakingly framed. …
Penna Dexter On a recent trip to Greece, I learned that during the Athenian Golden Age, 449-431 BC, there emerged a fervent belief in the ability of man. Our tour…
Penna Dexter I recently returned from a trip to Greece. One cannot go far in that country without being confronted with evidence of the rise and fall of great civilizations.…
Penna Dexter Population policy received heavy scrutiny recently at the annual meeting of the United Nations Commission on Population and Development. Julia-Elena Cazan reported on the meeting which was held…