What About Plant Death?
This is Ken Ham, often a guest on radio and TV on the Bible’s authority and reliability. Genesis teaches that God’s original creation was perfect without any death or suffering.…
This is Ken Ham, often a guest on radio and TV on the Bible’s authority and reliability. Genesis teaches that God’s original creation was perfect without any death or suffering.…
This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on why we can trust the Bible. The law of biogenesis states that “life only comes from other life.” This scientific law…
This is Ken Ham, inviting you to check out our popular Answers VBS for next year. Many people think it doesn’t matter what you believe about Genesis as long as…
This is Ken Ham, author of the updated classic The Lie: Evolution/Millions of Years. Many Christians believe in evolution but say God was part of the process. But Scripture describes…
This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to God’s Word and the gospel. Many people claim the Earth can’t be just thousands of years old…
This is Ken Ham, CEO of the apologetics ministry of Answers in Genesis. This week, we’ve seen that the fossil record doesn’t support the idea of millions of years of…
This is Ken Ham, head of the ministry that built a full-size Ark near Cincinnati, Ohio. All this week we’ve seen how the fossil record confirms the Bible’s history. You…
This is Ken Ham, a missionary with a passion for sharing God’s Word with the world. Here in Kentucky there are upright fossil trees that “grow” through many layers of…
This is Ken Ham, whose ministry has produced the family-friendly Answers Bible Curriculum. Many people think it must’ve taken millions of years for us to get the billions of fossils…
This is Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter. Evolutionary teaching has indoctrinated us to think it takes millions of years to make…