Fast-Forming Fossils
This is Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter. Evolutionary teaching has indoctrinated us to think it takes millions of years to make…
This is Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter. Evolutionary teaching has indoctrinated us to think it takes millions of years to make…
This is Ken Ham, author of the book on death and suffering, Divine Dilemma. The New Testament is full of warnings to beware of false teachers and their deceptive teachings.…
This is Ken Ham, on a mission to strengthen the global church with God’s Word. Consider this: God didn’t tell us everything about himself all at once. We don’t usually…
This is Ken Ham, an Aussie transplant with a passion for sharing the truth of God’s Word. Many people claim that Scripture is full of hidden meanings. But the meaning…
This is Ken Ham, often a guest on radio and TV on the Bible’s authority and reliability. Did you know that the Bible actually says there is no God? Well,…
This is Ken Ham, CEO of the ministry behind the full-size Noah’s Ark near Cincinnati. Over and over again I hear the claim that if we interpret Genesis literally, we…
This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on why we can trust the Bible. This week we saw that many of the claims of climate change alarmists are based…
This is Ken Ham, author of the book Climate Change for Kids…and Parents Too! Climate change alarmists tell us that it’s definitely man-made CO2 emissions causing climate change. They claim…
This is Ken Ham, whose ministry has produced the family-friendly Answers Bible Curriculum. Anytime there’s a major weather event, the headlines remind us that it was caused by climate change.…
This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to God’s Word and the gospel. I often hear the claim that creationists don’t believe in climate change.…