An Airplane from Ancient Egypt
These days, we don’t have to wait very long before we hear some nonsense about how flight or – more recently – space travel are but stages in human evolutionary…
These days, we don’t have to wait very long before we hear some nonsense about how flight or – more recently – space travel are but stages in human evolutionary…
Salmos 50:11“Conozco todas las aves de los montes, y todo lo que se mueve en los campos me pertenece”.Hay trece especies de un pequeño pájaro de plumas brillantes conocido como…
One of the most studied but least understood organs in the human body is the brain. The human brain is the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe. There…
2 Timoteo 1:13“Retén la forma de las sanas palabras que de mí oíste, en la fe y amor que es en Cristo Jesús”.Si usted tiene un auto, usted sabe que…
Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species opened the modern era of evolutionary thinking. The very name of his book suggests that as we look back in time, we should…
Génesis 6:19“Y de todo lo que vive, de todo ser, dos de cada especie meterás en el arca, para que tengan vida contigo; macho y hembra serán”.Charles Darwin reconocía que…
What has three eyes, lives in the sea and can swim faster than most boats can travel? No, it’s not a creature from another planet. It’s the porpoise.Science has long…
Salmos 104:25 26a“He allí el grande y ancho mar, en donde se mueven seres innumerables, seres pequeños y grandes. Allí lo surcan las naves…”En recientes Momentos de la Creación hemos…
How would you like to live in a neighborhood where garbage was never collected and taken away? What if there was no provision in the creation for getting rid of…
Isaías 45:12“Yo hice la tierra y creé sobre ella al ser humano. Yo, mis manos, desplegaron los cielos y pongo en orden todo su ejército”.Los evolucionistas a menudo afirman que…