Can Monkeys Count?
Listeners will know from our Creation Moments programs that the scientific establishment is firmly convinced that Man evolved from the higher apes millions of years ago. For this reason, rhesus…
Listeners will know from our Creation Moments programs that the scientific establishment is firmly convinced that Man evolved from the higher apes millions of years ago. For this reason, rhesus…
Job 42:2“Yo reconozco que todo lo puedes y que no hay pensamiento que te sea oculto”.Al llegar el otoño a las regiones temperadas de América del Norte, Europa y Asia,…
Today, hummingbirds are found only in North, Central and South America. Of course, since Noah’s Ark landed in the mountains of Ararat, they had to cross Europe and the Atlantic…
1 Reyes 9:15“Esta es la razón de la leva que el rey Salomón impuso para edificar la casa de Jehová y su propia casa, Milo y el muro de Jerusalén,…
The last creature a rattlesnake wants to see is the California ground squirrel.When an adult ground squirrel finds a rattlesnake, it begins to taunt the snake. The squirrel dashes into…
Isaías 52:10“Jehová desnudó su santo brazo ante los ojos de todas las naciones, y todos los confines de la tierra verán la salvación del Dios nuestro”.Los historiadores han descartado muchos…
If it weren’t for mushrooms, there would be so many un-decayed dead trees that there would be no room on Earth for anything else to grow. But mushrooms don’t just…
Jeremías 31:2“Así ha dicho Jehová: «El pueblo que escapó de la espada halló gracia en el desierto, cuando Israel iba en busca de reposo”.¿Qué se hace cuando las fuentes de…
How important is father to a child’s religious growth? Due to the way in which census information is gathered in Switzerland, researchers were able to find out. And while their…
Hechos 14:2“Pero los judíos que no creían excitaron y corrompieron los ánimos de los gentiles contra los hermanos”.El pitohuí con capucha es un ave maloliente del tamaño de una urraca…