Fresh Dust?
The last few years have seen a good deal of excitement among astronomers over the possibility of discovering planets orbiting distant stars. Astronomers are looking at stars that are surrounded…
The last few years have seen a good deal of excitement among astronomers over the possibility of discovering planets orbiting distant stars. Astronomers are looking at stars that are surrounded…
Salmos 71:17“Me enseñaste, Dios, desde mi juventud, y hasta ahora he manifestado tus maravillas”.La hierba de San Juan o hierba mala Klamath no es nativa de Norte América. Sino después…
The long, cold winters of Scandinavia not only freeze the lakes, but pile so much snow on the lake ice that no light can penetrate to the cold, unfrozen water…
Ezequiel 32:2b“… y eres como el dragón en los mares; pues secabas tus ríos, enturbiabas las aguas con tus pies y pisoteabas sus riberas”.Si el relato bíblico de la historia…
A real monster prowls the ocean floor from the Aleutian Islands to Southern California. It is a terror to even relatively large bottom dwellers. It eats many things, including hermit…
Mateo 28:19“Por tanto, id y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo…”Durante mucho tiempo se ha debatido si Cristóbal…
According to the evolutionary timetable, mankind has been on Earth for about 100,000 years. Archeologists and Paleo-archeologists claim that 100,000 years ago the earliest true men began to bury their…
1 Corintios 2:7“Pero hablamos sabiduría de Dios en misterio, la sabiduría oculta que Dios predestinó antes de los siglos para nuestra gloria…”Uno de los métodos comunes para descubrir la edad…
Evolutionary scientists studying the workings of the human brain are trying to find out what the human “mind” is. The problem is that everyone, including scientists, knows that human beings…
Salmos 141:2“Suba mi oración delante de ti como el incienso, el don de mis manos como la ofrenda de la tarde”.Cuando un joven se prepara para encontrarse con un dama…