Local Control: DEI or a Great Education?
2024 | Week of December 16 | Radio Transcript #1597Next month, Donald Trump will return to the White House to install a new Administration. This administration includes a new Secretary…
2024 | Week of December 16 | Radio Transcript #1597Next month, Donald Trump will return to the White House to install a new Administration. This administration includes a new Secretary…
Each year for the past 29 years, Wisconsin Family Council and Wisconsin Family Action have collaborated to display a Merry Christmas sign and a nativity scene in the State Capitol…
Wisconsin’s annual nonpartisan Spring election will hold primaries on February 18 with the general election on April 1. Two statewide races will be on the ballot: State Superintendent of Public…
Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty released its “twenty twenty-four Wisconsin Freedom Audit,” an extensive review of where the state ranks in various measurements of freedom, including fiscal freedoms, regulatory…
Earlier this year, Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty alongside America First Legal filed a lawsuit on behalf of an Eau Claire parents’ group that wanted to protect their children…
Recent studies show that economic stagnation in conjunction with the increased availability of prescription opioids has contributed to an increase in “deaths of despair,” which are deaths from drug or…
Home Front 12-05-2024 | Wisconsin Family Council Skip to content
Multiple Christian news outlets are reporting that Bible sales have skyrocketed twenty-two percent over the past year. Faith Wire calculates that Bible sales increased from nine point seven million in…
One year ago today, Governor Evers signed into law the Safe Haven Baby Box Bill, which allows parents to anonymously relinquish their newborn baby by placing them in a secured,…