Share Hope
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today."Trusting in what Jesus has done for me has brought me peace, hope and a…
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today."Trusting in what Jesus has done for me has brought me peace, hope and a…
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · September 9 | Review Professors Who Celebrate Political Violence Photo: Rutgers University College Avenue campus hedge spelling out Rutgers in green.jpg; author: Tomwsulcer; Lic.: CC0 1.0…
The modern, educated person often tends to look down on previous generations. Many people seem convinced that if we look back 1,000 or 2,000 years, some measurable evolutionary improvement in…
Hebreos 1:1,2“Dios, habiendo hablado muchas veces y de muchas maneras en otro tiempo a los padres por los profetas, en estos últimos días nos ha hablado por el Hijo, a…
2024 | Week of September 9 | Radio Transcript #1583The past couple of years have been quite the whirlwind for pro-lifers. June 24, 2022—the day the US Supreme Court overturned…
The depravity of this horrible industry must stop, and justice must prevail. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights in 60 seconds the important…
Penna Dexter Because of a new rule the Biden-Harris administration issued last spring, students in nearly half the states face some disturbing changes as they return to their schools and…
Kerby Anderson If you type the words “tablet kids” into a search engine, up will pop all sorts of tablets for young children. If you look far enough, you will…
A new study from Gallop reveals that the number of Americans who identify as LGBT is steadily increasing year by year, currently at 7.6%. The study also found that, quote,…
This is Ken Ham, head of the ministry producing the popular Answers Bible Curriculum for Churches. Yesterday we learned that the apostle Paul treated Genesis as literal history and as…