Historical Illiteracy
Kerby Anderson The US Constitution reminds us that the responsibility for our government rests with “we the people.” In order for us to be effective, we need to know something…
Kerby Anderson The US Constitution reminds us that the responsibility for our government rests with “we the people.” In order for us to be effective, we need to know something…
Kerby Anderson The US Constitution reminds us that the responsibility for our government rests with “we the people.” In order for us to be effective, we need to know something…
This is Ken Ham, editor of the powerful book on Noah’s flood, A Flood of Evidence.How Could Noah Fit the Animals on the Ark and Care for Them? Fantastic Voyage:…
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.A thousand years for us seems but as a breath for God. And yet, this…
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · September 27 | DoD Rebuffs Chinese Control Over American Movies Photo: Filming of Top Gun movie (01) 1985; public domain From the time that America’s growing…
A seventy-eight-year-old abortionist and his daughter brag about moving their families to from Texas and Oklahoma to states where abortion remains legal. Alan Braid moved from Texas to Albuquerque where…
Psalm 74:16“The day is Yours, the night also is Yours; You have prepared the light and the sun.”In recent years a number of news articles have announced that our sun…
Salmo 19:1“Los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios y el firmamento anuncia la obra de sus manos”.Pocos acontecimientos se quedan en mi memoria como el ver un cometa. Hermosos objetos…
2023 | Wednesday, September 27Daniel Degner, Wisconsin Family Council's Church Ambassador Network Director, joins Julaine to discuss the unique Gospel ministry this effort has in our state capitol. Julaine wraps…
The whistleblower said, “What is happening to scores of children is far more important than my comfort.” Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights…