Forgotten Good News
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.Do you ever have times when you walk out the door, and you realized you’ve…
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.Do you ever have times when you walk out the door, and you realized you’ve…
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · September 30 | What is Media Literacy All About? Critical Race Theory (CRT) and related social-justice ideologies have fully infiltrated K-12 education. This has rightfully prompted…
2024 | Week of September 30 | Radio Transcript #1586Did you know there is an important statewide binding referendum on Wisconsin’s ballot this November? A pertinent lawsuit makes the referendum…
Your grocery store has a produce section. Recent discoveries suggest that your brain has a produce section, too.We use many different kinds of filing systems to keep track of different…
Salmos 119:140“Sumamente pura es tu palabra y la ama tu siervo”.Muchas personas de hoy piensan que es inusual el que alguien interprete el relato de Génesis de la creación literalmente. …
Abortion is currently legal in the state through the 12th week of pregnancy. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights in 60 seconds the…
Penna Dexter There’s a growing concern in the U.S. and many other countries that people are not having enough babies. The fertility rate in the U.S. is now approximately 1.62…
LISTEN (text to speech) Download as PDF ... The founder of the YMCA was George Williams was born in 1821 on an English farm in Dulverton, Someset.…
Earlier this year, Franklin Public Schools flagged a student video about Easter as “inappropriate for broadcast” and banned it from appearing in the school’s weekly news and entertainment program, although…
Kerby Anderson School shootings have been in the news for two reasons. Earlier this month, we were able to see the full text of the shooter at Covenant School. The…