Like it or not, most Americans are totally dependent on the internet. The internet is where many of us get our news, communicate with loved ones, seek entertainment, check the weather, buy merchandise, pay bills, and book flights. Can you even remember the last day that you did not use the internet for anything at all? I am certainly not against the internet. Our lives have become easier in many ways because of it. However, conservatives should be on the lookout for evil forces who would seek to use the ubiquity of the internet to control the people who depend upon it.

The Big Tech giants of Silicon Valley are becoming increasingly bold in their efforts to demand conformity to the leftist agenda. The internet used to be a place where ideas could be exchanged openly without fear, but now those ideas are being silenced under the guise of “misinformation” and “hate speech.” Leftist moderators are empowered to arbitrate the thin line between political disagreement and falsity.

Of course, I have no problem with a platform choosing to moderate their content. If they want to advertise themselves as a place where only leftist thought is welcome, that is their choice. However, they should not be able to claim the mantle of free speech while also denying dissenting voices. They also cannot deny responsibility for what is published on their platform while simultaneously moderating their content. If they want to enjoy all the legal protections of a utility company, they should act like a utility company. When was the last time the phone company censored your call because you talked about politics?

Multi-billion-dollar tech companies don’t want to play by the same rules as everyone else. They have lobbyists at the national level and in every state in the union with the express purpose of protecting their company from any laws that hinder their profits and control. Americans have embraced the internet and there is nothing anyone can do to change that. However, what we can do is ensure that the needs of the people and not Big Tech companies come first in our legislative bodies.

This post originally appeared at

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